Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Better Gamer, Better Writer, Better Technology Consumer: April 2018

Hello again everyone! A lot of ground has been covered since I wrote the March 2018 Newsletter Post

For all of you here is some content depending on your interests:

Better Gamer

First off is Solving SNES Classic Short-Cord Issues! Read this article to for multiple avenues to conquer this annoying problem with the SNES Classic.

Where is Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch? Since there has been no dedicated releases since New Leaf I am hoping Nintendo listens to fans and makes a new main series Animal Crossing game in the next year or so. I am not sure how much it will help, but I decided to outline some things fans find fun about this franchise. 

Need More Gaming? Weekday and Weekend Gaming Methodology is the perfect place to start to help get a healthy balance of gaming and work in your life. 

Saint-Germain, Code:Realize - Guardians of Rebirth Character Analysis is the place to learn more about the mysterious count of the visual novel. Spoilers are clearly marked, so feel free to read the beginning if nothing else. 

The Walkthrough for Saint-Germain in Code:Realize - Guardians of Rebirth is designed to help minimize player frustration, since Saint-Germain has a sudden difficulty spike. 

To celebrate over 100 Twitter followers, I decided to put together some of the GIFs I created and use on my social media accounts and make them viewable on this website. See Game GIF Repository Page Added for more details!

Since I found out Impey can give a bad ending, I made a Walkthrough for Impey in Code:Realize - Guardians of Rebirth as well. A few days later, Code:Realize - Guardians of Rebirth Impey Barbicane Character Analysis was published. 

And finally, Zipper's Wonderland Event Starts Now! This article was aimed to more basic players as an explanation of what this event is and some good initial strategies to use to succeed at this event. 

Better Writer

Many times, being a better writer is about reading. A lot. To help, here are some suggestions to help readers get outside of their traditional boxes:

Land of the Lustrous Volume 1 Review *No Spoilers

Overlord Volume 1 Light Novel Review *No Spoilers

All in all, the entire Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth page should be viewed as well, especially if you don't plan on playing the game. It is a way to see some writing done in a completely different style, and might provide some inspiration to creative writers.

And finally, pulling from my years of experience as a Technical Writer, I wrote an article focused on getting aspiring Technical Writers on their feet. Since it contains a discussion of useful software for writers in general, it may also be useful for writers of every walk of life. See Technical Writer Tips: Best Software Tools to Create and Finish a Document to get started!

Better Technology Consumer

Looking for a great bluetooth keyboard that doesn't break the bank? Read my Logitech K380 Bluetooth Keyboard Review to get started!

Final Notes

I want to thank everyone for reading any of my content! All of this is a lot of fun for me to write. If there are any questions or suggestions, feel free to chat with me on Twitter (cmiller@gamerandwriter) or email me at Thanks again!

Website Upkeep 4/23/18

Website Upkeep 4/23/18

Need More Gaming? Weekday and Weekend Gaming Methodology

Need More Gaming? Weekday and Weekend Gaming Methodology