Leif’s Spring Flowers Event
This is running now in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. It is a cute event where sharing and attracting pink or yellow ladybugs awards players with specialty items.
These special flowers attract the pink and yellow ladybugs indicative of this event.
Here are the in-game run times. It is ongoing until Friday 3/19/18. Once it is gone who knows when this event will happen again.
First, plant either white clover seeds or yellow sleeping beauty seeds. Putting these in your garden will start in attracting ladybugs. Leif will give you some to start, and sometimes animals you help will give some extra seeds for helping them out.
Ideal Garden Configurations
The best thing to do is to make sure there are some white clover or yellow sleeping beauty flowers in the garden at all times. Resist the urge to harvest all of the flowers when they are ready, in other words.
This garden has some flowers available, some blooms ready to appear thanks to the flower food, and some that are just starting to grow. This will allow a good distribution of attracting your own bugs and still being able to accept ladybug gifts from others.
This is important because if you have helpful player friends, they can visit and leave some ladybugs they caught. They cannot do this if there aren’t any active blooms, however.
This player's garden has no flowers in full bloom. Ladybugs cannot be placed in a garden like this.
Fun To Help Others
The important thing about this event is to help others as much as possible. The game rewards capturing the ladybugs successfully. It does not reward players for holding on to them.
Feel free to catch them, visit another player’s camp, and share! Doing so will make the game reward you with more seeds and friend powder.
Remember to Trade Flowers for Items
Speak to Lloyd in the garden to get some limited-time trades available for the white clovers and yellow sleeping beauty flowers.
There are a variety of things to trade the harvested flowers for that are available for a limited time.
And as always, have fun!
Thanks again to Nintendo and all of the other companies involved in making this great mobile game. It has gotten better and better over time. I make no money off of this posting or through anything else through this website. Thank you!