Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Where is Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch?

Where is Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch?

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a great mobile game, Nintendo. 

But Animal Crossing fans have not seen a true console Animal Crossing game since New Leaf on the 3DS. There is some speculation that this game will eventually come to Switch, but just to make sure that is going to happen I plan to periodically write about features that would be good to see in a core Animal Crossing game for the Switch.  

Animal Crossing Fans...

To all of you, I do not plan on being the “authority” on what features should or should not be included. I just want to state my opinions to help get the conversation started. Please feel free to contact me, or better yet, retweet or comment your opinions

This is vital for these reasons:

  1. If others join this conversation, it adds strength to the argument that this community is interested in getting a new Animal Crossing game for the Switch. (Which prods Nintendo’s marketing department, and might speed up or at least ensure development works on this game.)
  2. Sometimes software makers don’t know what players specifically want. Saying “I like Animal Crossing games” is not always helpful for development. They need to know what players specifically liked or didn’t like. These articles will be perfect conversation starters to help get this line of thinking started. (And will help ensure that when people ask for an “Animal Crossing game” we don’t get another Happy Home Designer or Amiibo Festival.)
  3. Keep in mind I am no-profit on this site (and I am fine with that). So I don’t really have anything to gain from your Tweets/comments/views personally or financially. The reason I suggest communication on these articles is because I have seen many tweets from people wishing there was an Animal Crossing game on the Switch, but they are all in random places. I think these articles might be helpful in making Animal Crossing fans heard. At least, this is what I hope and aim for. 

To Nintendo...

Thank you for creating amazing games. I hope some of these upcoming articles help your developers and marketers focus on what fans enjoy so much about the Animal Crossing series. Long story short, please create a core Animal Crossing game (like Wild World or New Leaf) for the Switch! Thank you.

Final Thoughts

Thanks for any suggestions everyone! I plan on making these articles weekly or bi-weekly, just to ensure we don't run out of material to talk about. After all, Animal Crossing fans should be heard, but we don't want to be rude to Nintendo. 

Thanks again!

Further Reading:

Saint-Germain, Code:Realize - Guardians of Rebirth Character Analysis

Saint-Germain, Code:Realize - Guardians of Rebirth Character Analysis

Solving SNES Classic Short-Cord Issues

Solving SNES Classic Short-Cord Issues