Zipper's Wonderland Event Part 2: Player Etiquette and Beginner FAQ
Yesterday, part 2 of Zipper's Wonderland event began.
Part 2 marks the time where the event is at full swing. The first half's items and rewards are still available, but now they have added two additional Scrambler types to catch.
These two types of Scramblers are much harder to catch, and can only be obtained from friends and by growing blue heart roses on your own.
Good Etiquette in the Second Half
Here is where things get tricky. Many people have the Striped and Floral Scramblers left and the game urges you to share with others.
However, be careful with your Striped and Floral Scramblers in the second half! In general players find it rude to fill up their garden with unneeded Scramblers.
In addition, it is extremely rude to fill up all of their available blooms with the Striped and Floral Scramblers. This blocks the players equipped with Dapper and Majestic Scramblers from being able to share with that player. Since the Dapper and Majestic Scramblers have such a poor catch rate this is especially harmful to the receiving player.
This is an example of poor etiquette. This garden only has blue heart roses. Players should not add Striped or Majestic Scramblers here. (Though this player most likely was not meaning to be harmful.)
Wait! I Didn't Mean to be Rude!
Of course, we know. There is no communication between players available right now so it is hard to tell when you are being helpful or harmful. So here is the method I use to make sure I am helpful to my Pocket Camp friends:
- Look at the available blooms, no matter how many there are.
- If you see nothing but blue heart roses, this means the player is indicating they need the corresponding Dapper and Majestic Scramblers.
- To be helpful, only share Dapper and/or Majestic Scramblers with them.
Of course, if you see a garden with the old pink heart roses and orange heart roses, feel free to share the Striped and Floral Scramblers with them! They are clearly still working on the first half and it would likely be more helpful to help them complete the first half of the event.
Share those Striped and Floral Scramblers with player gardens that look like this!
But I Don't Need the Striped and Floral Scramblers Anymore!
It is ok. We are all in the same position.
(Edit: One of my Pocket Camp friends noted that the Scramblers are not kept after the event. This article has been edited to account for this information. Thanks AJ!)
Beginner FAQ
- I have blue heart roses in my garden. Do I need to grow more to get Scramblers?
Absolutely. The ideal is to keep about 4-7 full blooms available in your garden so friends can share with you. However, friends do not have an unlimited quantity. The only real way to ensure you get Scramblers for yourself is to grow new blue heart roses.
In other words, existing blooms do not attract new Scramblers. If you see a Scrambler on an old bloom it means a friend shared it with you.
- What do I do with the Scramblers I do not need from the first half of the game?
If you see friends with mixed flowers (a garden that does not have only blue heart roses) then feel free to share with them. However, it is not good etiquette at this stage to share the old Floral and Striped Scramblers with people clearly looking for the Majestic and Dapper Scramblers.
- I am not catching the Dapper and Majestic Scramblers. What am I doing wrong?
The Dapper and Majestic Scramblers have a very poor catch rate. If you try to catch an entire batch and miss, don't be surprised. It is the game doing this, and is not due to you "playing wrong."
And as always, thanks to Nintendo for creating this great little mobile game. Feel free to comment if there are additional helpful suggestions or thoughts! Thank you for reading.