Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Tiger! Tiger! Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Beginning Tips

Tiger! Tiger! Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Beginning Tips

Fun Mini-Game

As a disclaimer, I typically do not care about mini-games. Even for Final Fantasy 10, I couldn’t have cared less about Blitzball. So for me to actually have fun with a mini-game nestled within a console game was a bit of a pleasant surprise.

The gameplay for Tiger! Tiger! is simple. Your little on screen character dives to try and get treasure. Problem is you lose Air if you hit any enemies (usually underwater sharks, jellyfish, etc.) and hit any of the blocks. On Easy difficulty, players don’t have to worry about hitting any of the blocks.

Gather treasure on your way, and then when you get the big treasure at the bottom make sure you get to the top without losing too much of your Air. Successfully complete this and you are done!         

Remember, the goal isn't to just get down. The on-screen avatar also has to make it up.

Remember, the goal isn't to just get down. The on-screen avatar also has to make it up.

Enemy Types

For the most part, there are sharks, jellyfish, and turtles.

As seen on screen, here is the shark, jellyfish, and turtle.

As seen on screen, here is the shark, jellyfish, and turtle.


Sharks are fairly fast moving, but the player can attack them from any direction with the hook. In other words, though they seem like the largest threat, they are easy to defeat.

However, the red shark is very aggressive and will give chase to the player. It is best to stay out of the line of sight. If you cannot do this, then be ready to give it two hits to take it out.


Jellyfish are stationary but can block good paths. Sometimes they are extremely problematic for the player on the way up, since they can block your path and take your Air. They are best to attack from above. (Hook should be aimed downwards towards the jellyfish).


Turtles are slow moving, but like jellyfish they are good at blocking paths for the player. In addition, they cannot be attacked from above. If a player wants to get rid of them, wait until you are underneath them and then shoot the hook upwards to take advantage of their vulnerable underside.

General Tactics/Tips

  • Don’t worry about high scores early on; more stages unlock as you progress through the main storyline in the game.

  • Once you start moving, the screen always is moving downwards. Make sure when you are picking up random treasure on blocks that you aim upwards (not just on the horizontal plane) to counteract the downward motion. If you don’t then you will hit the block and lose Air.

  • It will make your life easier to destroy the jellyfish, especially on the right side of the screen. Always keep in mind that the goal isn’t to just to get to the bottom, it is to also be able to return to the surface safely.

Final Thoughts

All in all, Tiger! Tiger! is a very cute game that has just the right amount of challenge. In addition, playing it will give valuable resources to unlock Poppi’s full potential. There is no reason to not dive in and give it a shot.

Edit 6/9/18: Refined information on the red sharks in the shark section.

I am not a paid article writer, and all of the software here is owned by MONOLIFTSOFT and Nintendo
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Further Reading

How to Get to Fonsa Myma

How to Get to Fonsa Myma

Animal Crossing on Switch: Rebuild the Community

Animal Crossing on Switch: Rebuild the Community