Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

A Silent Voice Volume 2 Review *No Spoilers

A Silent Voice Volume 2 Review *No Spoilers

In this volume, Shoya begins to emerge from his cocoon of adolescence and asks larger questions about what it means to be an adult. This process is a bit painful for him since he build a terrible foundation for himself by previously being a bully to Nishimiya. 

Here is the description on the back of the volume, for those of you who want a synopsis.

Here is the description on the back of the volume, for those of you who want a synopsis.

Now in high school, Shoya’s conscious has awoken in full force and he realizes the true gravity of what he did in his younger years. He has terrible guilt, and made a resolution to try and make up to Nishimiya and apologize. 

As a general warning for readers, suicide is explored in this volume. I would say these sections were fantastic for showing the reality of feeling trapped in a situation, and definitely added realism to the story of these young people. However, if you are sensitive about these issues in general it would be better to maybe skip this volume (or parts of it.)

All in all this volume fearlessly tackles very intricate sensitive issues with grace and humanity. It is still shaping to be a beautiful and insightful read.

A thanks to Kodansha Comics and Yoshitoki Oima for publishing and creating this beautiful work. I make no profit off of any reviews. Thank you for reading!
And if you want more book reviews for manga, light novels, and more make sure to follow on Twitter or on Tumblr. Not only will you get updates, but I like to retweet useful information and random positivity posts I find! 

Further Reading


Delicious in Dungeon Volume 1 Review *No Spoilers

Delicious in Dungeon Volume 1 Review *No Spoilers

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