Villages of the Divine Beasts *No Spoilers
The following are the locations of the villages needed to begin the Divine Beast Quests within The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In addition, the order and other helpful materials in the region is also provided.
The Zora's Domain is near Lanayru Tower, and is almost dead East of the map.
The Zoras
This is the first Divine Beast that should be tackled. The ability gained from beating this Beast is highly useful at the beginning of the game.
In addition, the Zora’s region will provide useful clothing to enhance Link’s swim speed. Since stamina can also be an issue in the early stages of the game (and for perhaps longer) the swim speed will make sure Link gets the most distance covered in water for his stamina.
The Rito are near Tabantha Tower, on the North-West side of the map.
The Rito
Arguably, this is the next Divine Beast that should be tackled. The Beast quest and activation is easy, and this village also sells valuable clothing to increase Link’s cold resistance.
Cold resistant clothing will enable Link to travel more safely (or at least keep him from devouring cold resistant food) throughout the game. Many areas on the map will test Link’s ability to resist cold weather and conditions.
The Goron City is near Eldin Tower, on the North-East side of the map.
The Goron
The third area (or perhaps second) Divine Beast to defeat is the one plaguing the Gorons. The fireproof clothing that can be bought in this village is not very useful throughout the game, but is vital for this region.
However, the ability gained from defeating this beast is very useful at all stages of the game. This ability is the only reason to do this Beast second, or very soon after the Rito.
The Gerudo Town is right near the Wasteland Tower. These places are on the South-West side of the map.
The Gerudo
The Gerudo have the last Divine Beast that should be tackled. Even when receiving the quest, the quest-giver expects Link to have the Master Sword. This indicates it should be one of the last places to beat. (There is a difficult quest to complete before tackling the Beast as well.)
The town itself has great accessories, provided you have enough flint to open one of the shops. Be prepared to spend the rupees on it though.
And as always, thanks to Nintendo and all others who worked on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Without all of that hard work, none of us would be able to enjoy this game, or write about it.
Chelsea does not own and was not sponsored by Nintendo or its associates to put together the images or text for this blog post.